In this place were a number of savages who had come for traffic in furs, several of whom came to our vessels with
their canoes, which are from eight to nine paces long, and about a pace or pace and a half broad in their middle, growing
narrower toward the two ends. They are very apt to turn over, in case one does not understand managing them, and are made
of birch bark, strengthened on the inside by little ribs of white cedar, very neatly arranged. They are so light that a man
can easily carry one. Each can carry a weight equal to that of a pipe. When they want to go overland to a river where they
have business, they carry them with them. From Chouacoet along the coast as far as the harbor of Tadoussac,
they are all alike. After this agreement, I had some carpenters set to work to fit up a little barque of twelve or fourteen
tons, for carrying all that was needed for our settlement, which, however, could not be got ready before the last of June.
Meanwhile I managed to visit some parts of the river Saguenay, a fine river, which
has the incredible depth of one hundred and fifty to two hundred fathoms. About fifty leagues from the mouth of the harbor
there is, as is said, a great waterfall, descending from a very high elevation with great impetuosity. There are some islands
in this river, very barren, being only rocks covered with small furs and heathers. It is half a league broad in places, and
a quarter of a league at its mouth, where the current is so strong that at three-quarters flood-tide in the river it is still
running out. All the land that I have seen consists only of mountains and rocky promontories, for the most part covered with
fir and birch, a very unattractive country on both sides of the river. In a word, it is mere wastes, uninhabited by either
animals or birds; for, going out hunting in places which seemed to me the most pleasant, I found only some very small birds,
such as swallows and river birds, which go there in summer. At other times there are none whatever, in consequence of the
excessive cold. The river flows from the north-west.
The savages told me that after passing the first fall, they meet with eight others, when they go to a day's journey
without finding any. Then they pass ten others, and enter a lake, which they are three days in crossing, and they are easily
able to make ten leagues a day upstream. At the end of the lake there dwells a migratory people. Of the three rivers which
flow into this lake, one comes from the north, very near the sea, where they consider it much colder than in their own country;
and the other two from other directions in the interior, where are migratory savages, living only from hunting, and where
our savages carry the merchandise we give them for their furs, such as beaver, marten, lynx, and otter, which are found there
in large numbers, and which they then carry to our vessels. These people of the north report to our savages that they see
the salt sea; and, if that is true, as I think it certainly is, it can be nothing but a gulf entering the interior on the
north. The savages say that the distance from the north sea to the port of Tadoussac is perhaps forty-five or fifty days'
journey, in consequence of the difficulties presented by the roads, rivers and country, which is very mountainous, and where
there is snow for the most part of the year. This is what I have definitely ascertained in regard to this river. I have often
wished to explore it, but could not do so without the savages, who were unwilling that I or any of our party should accompany
them. Nevertheless, they have promised that I shall do so. This exploration would be desirable, in order to remove the doubts
of many persons in regard to the existence of this sea on the north, where it is maintained that the English have gone in
these latter years to find a way to China.
I set out from Tadoussac the last day of the month to go to Quebec.
We passed near the island called Hare Island,
distant six leagues from the above named port; it is two leagues from the northern, and nearly four leagues from the southern
shore. From Hare Island
we proceeded to a little river, dry at low tide, up which some seven hundred or eight hundred paces there are two falls. We
named it Salmon River, since we caught some of these fish in it. Coasting along the north
shore, we came to a point extending into the river, which we called Cape Dauphin, distant three leagues from Salmon River. Thence we proceeded
to another, which we named Eagle Cape, distant
eight leagues from Cape Dauphin.
Between the two there is a large bay, at the extremity of which there is a little river dry at low tide. From Eagle Cape we proceeded to Isle aux Coudres, a good league distant, which
is about a league and a half long. It is nearly level, and grows narrower towards the two ends. On the western side there
are meadows, and rocky points extending some distance out into the river On the south-west side it is very reefy, yet very
pleasant in consequence of the woods surrounding it. It is distant about half a league from the northern shore, where is a
little river extending some distance into the interior. We named it Riviere du Gouffre, since abreast of it the tide runs
with extraordinary rapidity; and, although it has a calm appearance, it is always much agitated, the depth there being great:
but the river itself is shallow, and there are many rocks at and about its mouth…
had the work of our quarters continued, which was composed of three buildings of two stories. Each one was three fathoms long,
and two and a half wide, with a fine cellar six feet deep. I had a gallery made all around our buildings, on the outside,
at the second story, which proved very convenient. There were also ditches, fifteen feet wide and six deep. On the other side
of the ditches I constructed several spurs, which enclosed a part of the dwelling, at the points where we placed our cannon.
Before the habitation there is a place four fathoms wide and six or seven long, looking out upon the riverbank. Surrounding
the habitation are very good gardens, and a place on the north side some hundred or hundred and twenty paces long and fifty
or sixty wide. Moreover, near Quebec, there is a little
river, coming from a lake in the interior, distant six or seven leagues from our settlement. I am of the opinion that this
river, which is north a quarter north-west from our settlement, is the place where Jacques Cartier wintered, since there are
still, a league up the river, remains of what seems to have been a chimney, the foundation of which has been found, and indications
of there having been ditches surrounding their dwelling, which was small. We found, also, large pieces of hewn, worm-eaten
timber, and some three or four cannon-balls. All these things show clearly that there was a settlement there founded by Christians;
and what leads me to say and believe that it was that of Jacques Cartier is the fact that there is no evidence whatever that
any one wintered and built a house in these places except Jacques Cartier, at the time of his discoveries.